Creative Environment
Grey Windy Day by Gina Startup
Artists create when ever they get the chance, but some wonder what artists do while they are creating. Listen to music?...with a glass of wine? Watch TV? Listen to the latest Podcast? Munch on popcorn? I’ve done them all. I don’t have any one routine. Different settings for different moods. Different music for different moods. Sometimes I like to my coffeehouse playlist and sometimes I’m listening to Jazz standards. I always love to create on rainy days. Rainy days inspire me! Many traditional artist like to take their paints and canvases outdoors. Some may think for digital artist this might not be convenient. Actually with an iPad Pro and apple pencil I can go anywhere. In warmer months I have often taken my laptop and wacom tablet out to the patio to create….until a carpenter bee starts hovering around me. I hate those things! Don’t they know Im doing something important?
In the winter months besides music I like listening to podcasts while I create. My favorite podcasts are the ones that tell you something you don’t know or something you should know or Malcolm Gladwell’s Revisionist History…. love Malcolm Gladwell. I could talk longer about Podcasts but this blog is about a creative environment so bottom line no matter what’s going on around me as long as I’m creating I’m content.
What do you like to do when you create?… Music? If so what kind? Where do you like to create? I would love to hear what kind of environment enables your creativity.